What combines hacking, rolling fast downhill and madcap design? Soapbox derbies!
A group of Oxford Hackspace members have put together an entry for the Red Bull Soapbox Race 2017 being held in London in July.
After some discussion on the Oxhack mailing list and receipt of an application pack from Red Bull via snail mail, a willing group of ad hoc vehicle visionaries sat down to bang out some designs.
Continue reading “Team Steaming Balrog Applies to Join Red Bull Soapbox Race”
I’ve wanted to go to a con in costume since I knew people, you know, did that. UK Games Expo was that con and this is the story of that costume. I went to UKGE to play in the X-Wing Miniatures Game regional championship and Yavin Open Tournament. The former had more than 100 players and the latter nearly more than 400. I’m also intending to bring the costume along to EMF and spend some time out in costume there, assuming it’s not heatstroke weather in an all-black jumpsuit and helmet… Continue reading “TIE Pilot Helmet and Flight Suit”
Jared’s mobility scooter robot receives its first victiwilling volunteer
Continue reading “Crabot v2”
The Oxford Flood Network, a project set up by Oxhack denizen Ben Ward, and recently the subject of a workshop at the hackspace (as well as getting us a mention in New Scientist), now has its first water level sensor in place on Wareham Stream.
Continue reading “Oxford Flood Network Is Go!”
Ladies and gentlemen, the Makerbot can now print things!
Continue reading “3D Printing”
Hugh has been trying his hand at paper folding, instructed by Paul Jackson’s Folding Techniques For Designers…
Continue reading “Paper folding”
Okay, so our Makerbot can’t actually print yet. (It can extrude plastic, and move the print platform. Just not both at the same time, it seems.) It has another trick up its sleeve that’s almost as cool, though: by varying the step rates of the motors, you can get it to play musical notes. And since it moves in three axes, it can do three part harmony: Continue reading “Musical MakerBot”