Not long before we moved in to our new home at the Oxford Centre For Innovation, we were offered a sofa. A rather nice one, a big plump leather sofa in a fetching shade of brown. So we collected it and put it on one side ready for us to furnish the new space.
In a previous life it had been in a student residence, and in time we discovered why they were so anxious to be rid of it. It had an unfortunate smell that resisted all attempts at cleaning, one or other of the young scoundrels had spilt something nasty down the back of it before unloading it on us.

So we had a sofa, but not one we could keep. Getting rid of a sofa isn’t an easy process in the middle of a city. Happily our friend Tara at Rlab in Reading came to the rescue. Tara makes footwear, and is always on the lookout for leather stock, so cutting away the nasty part of our sofa and keeping the rest was no problem to her. This week we’ve seen the results courtesy of Rlab’s blog: she’s turned our old sofa into a set of boots.
Recycling has never looked this good!