This Saturday, April 23rd, simultaneous to the traditional games play/hack, a second event will also be running. The event is the Hackaday World Create Day 2016, which is a design challenge which prompts people to get together in groups or alone, at the same time as many other nodes elsewhere in the world, and using their design, mechanical and other skills, try to come up with some great technical ideas for solving social problems. The groups then submit their ideas to the site, which will feature the best ideas on their front page, and “there will be prizes.”
Slightly contrary to the exciting advertising, we’re pitching our local node as more of an informal event, as the details came together on relatively short notice. So this should be an informal brainstorming session with a good crowd of people more than a big hackathon-type event, but it should still be interesting to see what we can come up with relating to the challenge.