Yesterday, Oxford Hackspace held its first regular open day for people interested in textiles. It has been a long haul returning the flood-damaged former Council education department walk-in safe to a usable condition as our textile room, and this event marked both its grand opening and an attempt to use it to foster a new community to join the others within the space. Continue reading “The First Oxford Hackspace Textile Open Day”
Category: Events
Oxford Hackspace Hosts JanJam Game Jam
On January the 14th the Oxford Hackspace provided the location for a new event dedicated to game creation – the January Game Jam! Organised by Simon Roth and sponsored by VideoBrains (who kindly provided us with PIZZA), the JanJam gathered people of all skill levels, from professional indie developers to total beginners. Continue reading “Oxford Hackspace Hosts JanJam Game Jam”
Oxhack Hosts IoT Network Meeting
Announcing RiverHack 1.0
Announcing *RiverHack 1.0*, a hackathon bringing together citizens and waterway user communities with water scientists, environmental charities, the Environment Agency, local government and a mass of programmers, artists and data scientists, to together hear what the challenges to river health are, and to see what we can do about them. Continue reading “Announcing RiverHack 1.0”
Oxhack Does Hackaday Global Create Day
This Saturday, April 23rd, simultaneous to the traditional games play/hack, a second event will also be running. The event is the Hackaday World Create Day 2016, which is a design challenge which prompts people to get together in groups or alone, at the same time as many other nodes elsewhere in the world, and using their design, mechanical and other skills, try to come up with some great technical ideas for solving social problems. The groups then submit their ideas to the site, which will feature the best ideas on their front page, and “there will be prizes.”
Women, Can You Hack It?
Of course you can!! Oxford Hackspace will be throwing their doors as part of the 2016 Oxford International Womens Festival, on the 10th of March. Come and try a variety of free workshops and demos at our brilliant new premises in the basement of the Oxford Centre for Innovation, on New Road in central Oxford, OX1 1BY. Continue reading “Women, Can You Hack It?”
Announcing The Ada Lovelace Hackathon At Oxford Hackspace
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a hackathon to mark the bicentenary of Ada, Countess Lovelace, at Oxford Hackspace on November the 11th. Continue reading “Announcing The Ada Lovelace Hackathon At Oxford Hackspace”
Meeting Point
Naomi and Neil (otherwise known as Digital Prisoners) are out in Bonn Square tonight with their Meeting Point installation, part of the Dancin’ Oxford festival. Continue reading “Meeting Point”