Announcing *RiverHack 1.0*, a hackathon bringing together citizens and waterway user communities with water scientists, environmental charities, the Environment Agency, local government and a mass of programmers, artists and data scientists, to together hear what the challenges to river health are, and to see what we can do about them.
Are you a lover of the outdoors, of walking by the river, wild swimming, angling, canoeing?
Are you passionate about protecting the health of our rivers and of our families?
Do you have a background in software development, data manipulation, STEM, graphic design or as an invested user of our waterways?
Do you believe we can develop our community into one that will take the necessary steps to make a healthy environment happen?
If the above speaks to you, please join us at Oxhack from Friday 14th for this hackathon celebrating our great British waterways, where we will seek to construct prediction and visualization tools to solve challenges, and to help support waterways health, now and for the next generation.
To read more about this event, to explore the challenges we’re trying to solve and to see some of the big data types that will be available, go to the event homepage here. (Click X on the sign-in box to make it disappear.)
Then please go to the Oxhack Meetup page and *RSVP* if you’d like to come!
The event is free to attend (and so is the pizza!), but places are limited.